He's how the super speed is done for smallville
They use motion blur on Clark. I also like the sound effects. The way the leaves are moving while Clark is running is great for my light bulb cracking in slow motion. The leaves barely move until after Clark passes and causes the gust of wind that blows the leaves.
How to do super speed
1- Actor runs in direction
2- Leaf blower - Speed
Smallville Series - 16, October, 2001 - ?
Smallville. CW Television Network, Los Angeles, California. 2001- ?
Clark again is show in super speed, than the world slows down around him. The rain drops falling show how fast he really moves. This is the kind of effect I want when Flash in show in slow motion.
Accelerate. Smallville. The WB Television Network, Los Angeles, California. 6 May 2003
Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Starting Thesis - Animation Reference - Dastardly & Muttley
I still so wiped out from last semester and am now sick, but I know I need to start my Thesis. I so figured I start out easy and gather reference for my animation. Here’s one I found for the high speed run.

Animation Reference:
Dastardly & Muttley In Their Flying Machines – opening:
Reference for a high speed run with anticipation. Also Muttley has a good snicker.
Dastardly & Muttley In Their Flying Machines
Opening. Dastardly & Muttley In Their Flying Machines. Hanna-Barbera Productions, Los Angeles, California. 16 Sept. 1969

Animation Reference:
Dastardly & Muttley In Their Flying Machines – opening:
Reference for a high speed run with anticipation. Also Muttley has a good snicker.
Dastardly & Muttley In Their Flying Machines
Opening. Dastardly & Muttley In Their Flying Machines. Hanna-Barbera Productions, Los Angeles, California. 16 Sept. 1969
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Pre-Thesis Book
Well I handed in my Pre-Thesis Book and DVD today. I struggled with the Proof of Concept (Rigging), but I finally got it to work. I'm so wiped out that I won't be touching any thesis work until after Christmas.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Final Deliverables
Well, it's coming to the end of the semester. Boy that went fast. All my Pre- Thesis material is due next week. As I get it done I'll add it to this posting. I want to make sure I have everything they asked for.
1. Thesis Treatment
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Thesis statement
1.3 Synopsis
1:3B Treatment
1.4 Script
1.5 Storyboard
1.6 Production design
1.7 Shot List
Shot Sheets
1.8 Production schedule
1.9 Verbal execution plan
2. Research Paper
2.1 Introduction to the subject, overview about the areas of research
2.2 Cultural, historical, scientific and social aspects
2.3 Artistic aspects – in depth analysis of sources relevant to your project, comparison of approaches and results, techniques & styles
2.4 Technical aspects
2.5 Final conclusions and relevance to the project –
2.6 Bibliography & appendices
3. Proof of Concept (on CD/DVD)
3.1 Animatic 13MB
3.2 Rig
3.3 Full Color PDF of completed Pre-Production book with Blog entries
1. Thesis Treatment
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Thesis statement
1.3 Synopsis
1:3B Treatment
1.4 Script
1.5 Storyboard
1.6 Production design
1.7 Shot List
Shot Sheets
1.8 Production schedule
1.9 Verbal execution plan
2. Research Paper
2.1 Introduction to the subject, overview about the areas of research
2.2 Cultural, historical, scientific and social aspects
2.3 Artistic aspects – in depth analysis of sources relevant to your project, comparison of approaches and results, techniques & styles
2.4 Technical aspects
2.5 Final conclusions and relevance to the project –
2.6 Bibliography & appendices
3. Proof of Concept (on CD/DVD)
3.1 Animatic 13MB
3.2 Rig
3.3 Full Color PDF of completed Pre-Production book with Blog entries
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Animation Mentor
Well I got my email from Animation Mentor’s orientation today. I was so excited; I can’t wait to start classes on Jan. 7th.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Thesis Production Schedule
Well, I knew I wouldn’t stick to the one I made earlier. With my story changing so much, I got set back.
Here's my Production Schedule
Here's my Production Schedule
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Met with Misha
Well I met with Misha yesterday and he had some great suggestions for my story. First he wants me to have them watching TV showing their olden days on it, with the cheesy batman and robin style. I was thinking I could do the TV in a 2-D style. Then he wants me to have them shut it off and begin to play checkers. I was thinking about this and I could have him stretch to turn off the TV, Flexman doesn’t need a remote. He also had the suggestion to make Flexmans movements very jerky. He suggest I give a twist to what I see, we all see our self in them. He suggests that I really push the super powers. For the elocution, he suggests afterwards that I make it their time to shine again at the end for one of the two. He gave me the example that the electrocution gives Flexman he’s energy again and they jump out the window to save the day once again. He felt it would give the story a message like no matter what age you are don’t give up your hopes/dreams.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thesis Statement - Version 5
Well After my Industry review I decided to rework my story. I meet with my advisor; Mike last Wednesday and he suggested that I don’t change it because it’s too late in the game. If I wanted I could fix it. I actually meet with two fellow animation students, John and Tom later that same day. They were very helpful and went over my animatic frame by frame with me. I realized that I need to change my layout and actually make the superheroes work together since it would read much better.
Thesis Statement -
A Character Animated Short that shows the boredom between a retired superhero and his sidekick dog with an emphasis on comic timing and exaggerated poses done in a cartoon style.
Thesis Statement -
A Character Animated Short that shows the boredom between a retired superhero and his sidekick dog with an emphasis on comic timing and exaggerated poses done in a cartoon style.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Reference Citations - Like shots in my piece
Tom and Jerry

Sample of Motion Blur and Light Blubs Breaking
Yankee Doodle Mouse
Yankee Doodle Mouse. Tom and Jerry. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Los Angeles, California. 26 June 1943

Sample of Great Poses, Similar ending/ Setting
The Little Orphan
The Little Orphan. Tom and Jerry. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Los Angeles, California. 30 April 1949
Red's Dream

Red's Dream
Sample of rain and mood
Rain (no Sound)
Mood (no Sound)
Red's Dream. Dir. John Lasseter. Pixar Animation Studios, 1987
To see more about this short visit this Link: http://www.pixar.com/shorts/gg/index.html

Sample of getting electrocuted in a 3D animation -
Shot (no Sound)
Ratatouille. Dir. Brad Bird. Walt Disney Pictures, 2007

Sample of Motion Blur and Light Blubs Breaking
Yankee Doodle Mouse
Yankee Doodle Mouse. Tom and Jerry. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Los Angeles, California. 26 June 1943

Sample of Great Poses, Similar ending/ Setting
The Little Orphan
The Little Orphan. Tom and Jerry. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Los Angeles, California. 30 April 1949
Red's Dream

Red's Dream
Sample of rain and mood
Rain (no Sound)
Mood (no Sound)
Red's Dream. Dir. John Lasseter. Pixar Animation Studios, 1987
To see more about this short visit this Link: http://www.pixar.com/shorts/gg/index.html

Sample of getting electrocuted in a 3D animation -
Shot (no Sound)
Ratatouille. Dir. Brad Bird. Walt Disney Pictures, 2007
Meeting with Patricia
I meet with Patricia this past Tuesday to discuss how my review went. She suggested I storyboard some Looney Toons or Tom and Jerry shorts in order to see how the formula works. Develop who the characters are, what are their traits. She also said to spell out the thesis statement. Show the superheroes board and setup the problem about to happen. It all should be seen in the establishing frame (Rain, Stretchy, Motion Blur, Boredom, Power and Phone). Having it raining outside will help set up the boredom. Being board can be shown with the eyes rolling, tapping fingers, etc. Show flexman more relaxed and away from the table, in order to really show his superpower. Show motion blur and maybe skid marks with the dog. Show them excited when the lights go off. Maybe once the lights go out, the moonlight lights the room. Also to have the lights flicker. If you want them to compete set up the competition, ex. Key cut in half, pictures on the wall of the superheroes fighting over saving the girl. She also suggested I add more cobwebs and a logo on the phone.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
How my Pre-Thesis Industry Review went
Well, my industry review didn’t go to well either. I got conflicting reviews, and suggestions that are basically pulling away from my original idea. Some told me that the timing was on. Then when another disagreed saying the timing was off, the first individual took their statement back. I was told that the timing to the dog was off, that I didn’t show his speed. I was told that the story was not entertaining and that playing checkers does not show that they are bored. That I need a better scenario, like playing fetch to showcase their abilities. Another told me that they liked the interaction of the checker’s competition, but to have them do something else besides playing checkers, something else where they can compete. Then one said they liked the absurdity of them playing checkers. I was also told that the premise was not set up by one, than another told me that they did see the premise setup in the pan of the room, just to make it slower in order for the audience to see it. Then I was told by another, that the incredibles did that pan and not to take ideas from other movies. I was also told by some that they thought fighting over changing a light bulb doesn’t work, but then another told me that it does being that they are fighting over something so mundane that it could be funny. By another I was told to have just the whites of the eyes show, when the lights go out and play with sound effects. Which could be good, for a few seconds, but as I have my piece now, the lights are out for about 30 seconds, so to me that really doesn’t work. No one seemed to understand why the characters began to fight. Stuff similar to this is done in Tom and Jerry and Looney Toons Shorts. One told me that I have two protagonists, I said yes that correct. She then said well they have to want the same thing. I thought they both wanted to change light bulb to do something was that. I was also told by the guy to reduce what I have and choose key moments, in a different approach. I was actually told by one to scratch the superhero idea, it’s been done well already, to start over from scratch, I feel this might not work now, being I only have a month left in the semester. I was told by another to do less, and more of what you have. They all agreed they like the two character design. It actually ending with a student suggesting, I showing it raining outside the window they are sitting in front of to show why their bored, Which the panel liked. Afterwards students that knew my story thought it would work, that all that I had in mind maybe didn’t come though in my animatic.
So basically I completely and utterly confused that this point. I took the advice of the first panel and reworked it only to have the second panel not like it. I find the reviews at this stage more destructive than helpful. Especially when I’ve spent a 3/4 of a semesters researching and now to restart from scratch while still having work to do and now to redo all my past work. I felt I didn’t get to many suggestions on how to make my story work, but more of changing it. I’m going to try and speak with Patricia, who was running the review, and she was also heard it for the first time, seeing if she has any suggestions. I’ll also go back to my advisor Mike to see what he thinks. I want my project to work, but I also want it to be about something I want to do.
So basically I completely and utterly confused that this point. I took the advice of the first panel and reworked it only to have the second panel not like it. I find the reviews at this stage more destructive than helpful. Especially when I’ve spent a 3/4 of a semesters researching and now to restart from scratch while still having work to do and now to redo all my past work. I felt I didn’t get to many suggestions on how to make my story work, but more of changing it. I’m going to try and speak with Patricia, who was running the review, and she was also heard it for the first time, seeing if she has any suggestions. I’ll also go back to my advisor Mike to see what he thinks. I want my project to work, but I also want it to be about something I want to do.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Reference Citations - Superhero Speed Ability

Tortilla Flaps
Tortilla Flaps. Looney Tunes. Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 18 Jan. 1958

Bates, Cary. (w), Milgrom, Al and Giordano, Dick (a) Flash #286 (Dec 1978) DC Comics.

Ray, Fred. (a) Superman #14 (Feb. 1942) Action Comics [DC Comics].
Reference Citations - The Tick

Reference for the superhero Character design for Flexman
The Tick vs The Idea Man
The Tick vs The Idea Man. The Tick. FOX, Los Angeles, California. 10 Sept. 1994
Getting Ready for the Pre-Thesis Industry Review
Well, I've revised my story since the last review, while taking the advice of the faculty panel. I think that I'm getting somewhere with the story and is happy with the direction it is going. I’ve stuck to my original concept of Retired Superheroes. Only now the premise of the narrative is that they are retired and they don’t have much to do therefore the two characters (Flexman and Flash) fight over doing the simplest things in the house. Making every little task a heroic adventure.
We have our Industry Pre-Thesis review this Thursday. I’m putting all my updated info in one posting.
My main goal in my thesis is to get a solid animation while refining my skills. Many areas of animation inspired me, however there were a few works of art in particular that really motivated me. They were Chuck Jones’s Animation, The Incredibles, Wallace and Gromit as well as the sculpture exhibit L'Hospice. Through these references I’ve come up with my narrative about a retired superhero and his sidekick that are now bored in their retirement and treat an everyday task like a superhero adventure.
Thesis Statement -
A Character Animated Short with an emphasis on comic timing and exaggerated poses that showcases the humorous relationship between a retired superhero and his sidekick dog in a cartoon style.
Story Synopsis
Thesis Treatment
Flexman Script
Flexman Storyboard
Thesis Outline
Research Paper
Style Frames

2-D Animatic -
2D Animatic Link
We have our Industry Pre-Thesis review this Thursday. I’m putting all my updated info in one posting.
My main goal in my thesis is to get a solid animation while refining my skills. Many areas of animation inspired me, however there were a few works of art in particular that really motivated me. They were Chuck Jones’s Animation, The Incredibles, Wallace and Gromit as well as the sculpture exhibit L'Hospice. Through these references I’ve come up with my narrative about a retired superhero and his sidekick that are now bored in their retirement and treat an everyday task like a superhero adventure.
Thesis Statement -
A Character Animated Short with an emphasis on comic timing and exaggerated poses that showcases the humorous relationship between a retired superhero and his sidekick dog in a cartoon style.
Story Synopsis
Thesis Treatment
Flexman Script
Flexman Storyboard
Thesis Outline
Research Paper
Style Frames

2-D Animatic -
2D Animatic Link
Monday, November 05, 2007
Script - Version 5
I revise my script by narrowing down my content to keep the story simple that the audience can follow. It now revolves around an everyday incident that gets out of hand.
Story Scripts Version 5
Story Scripts Version 5
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Back to Brainstorming Story Ideas

How Many Superheroes Does It Take to Screw in a Light Bulb?
Goofy superhero cartoon
Superhero Video

Tom and Jerry
Lightblub Gag
Quiet Please!
Quiet Please! Tom and Jerry. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Los Angeles, California. 22 Dec. 1945
Ladder Mishap
Man falls of his Ladder
Climbing Ladder
Reference Citations - The ChubbChubbs Save Xmas

I had like the original “ The ChubbChubbs!” when it was released back in 2002. It had a great concept about these furry chicks like animals (ChubbChubbs) that are vicious and everyone is afraid of. I saw the short for it’s following up “The ChubbChubbs Save Xmas” on the “Surf Up” DVD. I really liked the exaggeration is some of the poses. The main character, Meeper is also kind of oblivious to what goes on around him while always seeing things on the bright side.
The original
The ChubbChubbs Save Xmas
Clips - especially the second
Save Xmas
The ChubbChubbs Save Xmas. Dir. Cody Cameron. Sony Pictures Imageworks (SPI), 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Flushing out they story
Well I meet with Cushny yesterday for my first individual pre thesis meeting. He really helped me focus my story on a few elements. I felt better since I don’t have to rewrite everything from scratch. I had a bunch of components that made up my story. I'll cut it down to three. I'm going to keep the Looney Toons extreme squash and stretch style, the buddy's story and I'm going to try to keep in the superhero angle. I’m getting ride of the old age, wheelchair and saving the world components.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Style Frame
Here are the first drafts of my style frames. They will change, since I'm still trying to flush out my story.
Basic Color Design Nigel and Fang
Fang hears the phone ring
Nigel speaking on the phone
Basic Color Design Nigel and Fang
Fang hears the phone ring
Nigel speaking on the phone
Reference Citations - SpongeBob Square Pants - Mermaidman and Barnacleboy III

Mermaidman and Barnacleboy - I can place Nigel in a bat cave, not the den. I have to place him in the room where he conducted business (no sound)
Bat Cave Like
Mermaidman and Barnacleboy – I like how every thing they do has that cheesy "POW" like design that the 60's batman show had (no sound)
Mermaidman and Barnacleboy – Patrick in a wheelchair (no sound)
Wheelchair Reference
Mermaidman and Barnacleboy – a nice flying pose (no sound)
Fly Pose
SpongeBob Square Pants
Mermaidman and Barnacleboy III. SpongeBob Square Pants. Nicktoons Network, Burbank, California. 27 Nov. 2000
Helpful Information
Well I meet with Myles, one of the professors on my review panel today. He gave me a lot of helpful information, I though I had to totally rewrite my story, but I didn’t, I just have to revise mine.
Some tips he gave me:
Play with cut between Nigel’s POV and Fangs POV.
What was Nigel’s Power, what could he do before that he can’t go now.
Gags that happen to older people that are funny to us not them.
Have audience relate
May Nigel is Fat or skinny, from years of not working.
He can’t turn on the radio/scanner; Fang has to do it for him.
Keep Nigel Local.
Maybe he drops things and Fang has to pick them up.
Maybe he has a hard time seeing or hearing.
Show past by old newspaper on table or book.
Play on dog more.
Maybe Wheel chair pushes into screen.
He can do everyday routines with power.
Maybe little episodes that builds up in aTime Lapse.
Look for other two characters like Wallace and Gromit.
He showed me a short that had a minimal background and focused on animation
The Troubleshooting
Some tips he gave me:
Play with cut between Nigel’s POV and Fangs POV.
What was Nigel’s Power, what could he do before that he can’t go now.
Gags that happen to older people that are funny to us not them.
Have audience relate
May Nigel is Fat or skinny, from years of not working.
He can’t turn on the radio/scanner; Fang has to do it for him.
Keep Nigel Local.
Maybe he drops things and Fang has to pick them up.
Maybe he has a hard time seeing or hearing.
Show past by old newspaper on table or book.
Play on dog more.
Maybe Wheel chair pushes into screen.
He can do everyday routines with power.
Maybe little episodes that builds up in aTime Lapse.
Look for other two characters like Wallace and Gromit.
He showed me a short that had a minimal background and focused on animation
The Troubleshooting
Playing with the Story
I tried to fix the story while taking into consideration what was said during my review. I still have a few concerns. For story 1, I’m adding a third character and I still haven’t figured out how to establish he was a superhero in the past. For story 2, I also need to establish that he was a superhero in the past, I could do what I originally had and show his past accomplishments by how his room is decorated. I also have to figure out what the scanner says, and what Nigel thinks it says. I also need to figure out how to end it. Also, some of the panel didn’t like that I had stretch as his ability, I think both of these stories can work with stretch or flying, his new power since I don’t want Nigel to have an ability that deals with dynamics.
1) Nigel and Fang are sitting in the park playing checkers. They hear a yell for help. Nigel goes to get up and Fang grabs him. Fang doesn’t want to go though this again, he just wants to finish the game of checkers. Nigel insists on helping. Fang just puts his face in his hands. They look and a kid who bought balloons is flying away with them. Nigel raises his arm to fly up and grab the kid, but he can’t fly as well as he use to. Nigel tries again, this time standing on the chair to add a bit of height; he still can’t get high enough to reach the kid. Finally Fang grabs the straw out off his drink and fills it with pebbles. He shoots at the balloons until the kid lowers down. Nigel than still trying to reach the kid grabs his foot and pulls him down. Nigel thinks he saved the day, but Fang and the Kid know otherwise. The kid walks up to Fang and says: You bad Dog”, He puts his hand out and says, “ you owe me $2 for my balloons.”
2) Nigel and Fang are sitting in the living room playing checkers and listening to the police scanner. Nigel’s mishears what is said and thinks the town is need of help, so starts to get ready. Fang looks at him like what are you doing. Finally Nigel repeats what he heard to Fang. Fang tries to stop him from going. Nigel goes to get out, and forgets to open the widow and flies into the glass. Then he tries to open the window and struggles, until Fang comes and unlocks it. Nigel looks at him like oh. He decides to climb out the window and lands in the bush. We see Fangs POV as he looks out the window down at Nigel in the bush. Fang then disappears and we see Nigel’s POV as Fang walks out the door, next to the window.
1) Nigel and Fang are sitting in the park playing checkers. They hear a yell for help. Nigel goes to get up and Fang grabs him. Fang doesn’t want to go though this again, he just wants to finish the game of checkers. Nigel insists on helping. Fang just puts his face in his hands. They look and a kid who bought balloons is flying away with them. Nigel raises his arm to fly up and grab the kid, but he can’t fly as well as he use to. Nigel tries again, this time standing on the chair to add a bit of height; he still can’t get high enough to reach the kid. Finally Fang grabs the straw out off his drink and fills it with pebbles. He shoots at the balloons until the kid lowers down. Nigel than still trying to reach the kid grabs his foot and pulls him down. Nigel thinks he saved the day, but Fang and the Kid know otherwise. The kid walks up to Fang and says: You bad Dog”, He puts his hand out and says, “ you owe me $2 for my balloons.”
2) Nigel and Fang are sitting in the living room playing checkers and listening to the police scanner. Nigel’s mishears what is said and thinks the town is need of help, so starts to get ready. Fang looks at him like what are you doing. Finally Nigel repeats what he heard to Fang. Fang tries to stop him from going. Nigel goes to get out, and forgets to open the widow and flies into the glass. Then he tries to open the window and struggles, until Fang comes and unlocks it. Nigel looks at him like oh. He decides to climb out the window and lands in the bush. We see Fangs POV as he looks out the window down at Nigel in the bush. Fang then disappears and we see Nigel’s POV as Fang walks out the door, next to the window.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Reference Citations - Looney Toons
Story Ideas- what works

Fast and Furry-ous
Fast and Furry-ous. Looney Tunes. Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 16 Sept. 1949
What I think makes the short work:
The use of smear drawings
The stretch of the coyote’s jaw
Long holds. Pauses
The gags always backfire on the coyote
When the road is drawn on the rock, it becomes a road for the roadrunner.
The way the rock falls – defies the law of gravity

Part of Hair-Raising Hare
Hair-Raising Hare. Looney Tunes. Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 25 May 1946
What I think makes the short work:
Bugs is always one step ahead of the monster
The body language of the monster, since he doesn’t talk much.

Haredevil Hare
Haredevil Hare. Looney Tunes. Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 24 July 1948
What I think makes the short work:
Bugs crying until he gets carrots
Comedy of the large rocket that that is lit by a small fuse
Bugs body shape coming through the bottom of the rocket from the force of the take off

Tortoise wins by a Hare
Tortoise Wins by a Hare. Looney Tunes. Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 20 Feb. 1943
What I think makes the short work:
Slow Turtle vs. Fast Rabbit in speed and speech
Nice extreme poses during the race
Nice old man poses by bugs
Nice anticipation on bugs as he goes back before he takes off for the race

Fast and Furry-ous
Fast and Furry-ous. Looney Tunes. Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 16 Sept. 1949
What I think makes the short work:
The use of smear drawings
The stretch of the coyote’s jaw
Long holds. Pauses
The gags always backfire on the coyote
When the road is drawn on the rock, it becomes a road for the roadrunner.
The way the rock falls – defies the law of gravity

Part of Hair-Raising Hare
Hair-Raising Hare. Looney Tunes. Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 25 May 1946
What I think makes the short work:
Bugs is always one step ahead of the monster
The body language of the monster, since he doesn’t talk much.

Haredevil Hare
Haredevil Hare. Looney Tunes. Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 24 July 1948
What I think makes the short work:
Bugs crying until he gets carrots
Comedy of the large rocket that that is lit by a small fuse
Bugs body shape coming through the bottom of the rocket from the force of the take off

Tortoise wins by a Hare
Tortoise Wins by a Hare. Looney Tunes. Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 20 Feb. 1943
What I think makes the short work:
Slow Turtle vs. Fast Rabbit in speed and speech
Nice extreme poses during the race
Nice old man poses by bugs
Nice anticipation on bugs as he goes back before he takes off for the race
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Reference Citations - Powerpuff Girls - Major Competition
Friday, October 26, 2007
How my Pre-Thesis Review went
Well, I had my review today. David, Boaz and Myles were on my panel. It didn’t go as well as I would have like. They liked my concept and character but didn’t think the story was working. I was told that he shouldn’t get the phone call, it’s to unrealistic, to have someone call for help or have him listen to a police scanner. I also need a bigger ender. I should also establish the characters relationship better. As well as, play with the comedy. Some didn’t like that I gave him the stretch ability.
Some suggestions I got:
Maybe Nigel misunderstands the scanner and they really don’t heed help, but he thinks they do.
Maybe the dog doesn’t want to help Nigel with his heroic adventure and has the attitude, here we go again. The dog knows that he can't save the day anymore.
Maybe end it screen to black and can still here the two arguing.
Maybe the dog is the real superhero.
So I’ll watch some Looney toon shorts and shows about superheroes this weekend and then try to rework the story. I’ll meet with some of these professors this coming week and see if they approve of what I’m working on. We’ll at least they liked my characters so I can start to model them this weekend.
Some suggestions I got:
Maybe Nigel misunderstands the scanner and they really don’t heed help, but he thinks they do.
Maybe the dog doesn’t want to help Nigel with his heroic adventure and has the attitude, here we go again. The dog knows that he can't save the day anymore.
Maybe end it screen to black and can still here the two arguing.
Maybe the dog is the real superhero.
So I’ll watch some Looney toon shorts and shows about superheroes this weekend and then try to rework the story. I’ll meet with some of these professors this coming week and see if they approve of what I’m working on. We’ll at least they liked my characters so I can start to model them this weekend.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Reference Citations - Superman Returns
Monday, October 22, 2007
Getting Ready for the Pre-Thesis Review - Midterm
We have our Facility Pre-Thesis review this Friday. I’m putting all my updated info in one posting.
My main goal in my thesis is to get a solid animation while refining my skills. Many areas of animation inspired me, however there were a few works of art in particular that really motivated me. They were Chuck Jones’s Animation, The Incredibles, Wallace and Gromit as well as the sculpture exhibit L'Hospice. Through these reference I’ve come up with my narrative about a retired superhero that gets called out of retirement to save the day. However with the help of his dog Fang the two actually wind up getting into a predicament were they themselves need to be saved.
Thesis Statement -
A Character Animated Short with an emphasis on comic timing and exaggerated poses that showcases the humorous relationship between a retirement superhero and his dog in a cartoon style.
Story Synopsis
Thesis Treatment
Flexman Script
Flexman Storyboard
Thesis Outline
Research Paper
My main goal in my thesis is to get a solid animation while refining my skills. Many areas of animation inspired me, however there were a few works of art in particular that really motivated me. They were Chuck Jones’s Animation, The Incredibles, Wallace and Gromit as well as the sculpture exhibit L'Hospice. Through these reference I’ve come up with my narrative about a retired superhero that gets called out of retirement to save the day. However with the help of his dog Fang the two actually wind up getting into a predicament were they themselves need to be saved.
Thesis Statement -
A Character Animated Short with an emphasis on comic timing and exaggerated poses that showcases the humorous relationship between a retirement superhero and his dog in a cartoon style.
Story Synopsis
Thesis Treatment
Flexman Script
Flexman Storyboard
Thesis Outline
Research Paper
Character Sketch/Design

Fang -
I want Fang to have a cute cartoon look. He’ll have a slightly bigger head and his body will be only about 1 1/2 head length.

Nigel -
I want Nigel to have a slightly big head. He’ll have a large nose and ears with bushy eyebrows. His body is about three heads in length. He has a big stomach and body with skinny limbs. As for Nigel’s costume it will resemble the typical superheroes costume like Mr. Incredible, Superman and Batman. He will have a fitted nylon suit with his logo on the chest and trunks. He’ll also have boots and gloves.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Reference Citations - Open Season
Reference Citations - SpongeBob Square Pants - Mermaidman and Barnacleboy II
Great Cereal for older superheroes, the toy is false teeth. This is great.

Superheroes struggle (no sound)

Pow- Classic Batman TV series

They fall into their invisible boat, after being suspended in air, they realize it’s not there and fall. Classic Chuck Jones, Just what I’m looking for. (no sound)
Mermaidman and Barnacleboy II. SpongeBob Square Pants. Nicktoons Network, Burbank, California. 8 April. 2000

Superheroes struggle (no sound)

Pow- Classic Batman TV series

They fall into their invisible boat, after being suspended in air, they realize it’s not there and fall. Classic Chuck Jones, Just what I’m looking for. (no sound)
Mermaidman and Barnacleboy II. SpongeBob Square Pants. Nicktoons Network, Burbank, California. 8 April. 2000
Reference Citations - Toy Story
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Thesis Production Schedule
Since the rigging will take a lot longer than I thought, I’ve decided to make a production schedule and start modeling and rigging, so when January comes I can start animation. This way I have a few months just to focus on animation, my concentration. Here’s my first draft of my schedule, I’m sure it will change. It's just for me to use to stay on track with for now.
Production Schedule
Production Schedule
Script - Version 3
I keep revising my story and was not completely happy with my last ending. I felt it was too forced. So I’ve reworked it again, and is still flushing it out a bit. Here it is so far.
Story Scripts Version 3
Story Scripts Version 3
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Reference Citations - Speedy Gonzalez and Slow Poke Rodriguez

Speedy Gonzalez and his cousin Slow Poke Rodriguez - a good reference of a slow and fast character
Speedy and Slow Poke
Mexican Boarders. Merrie Melodies. Cartoon Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 1962
Research Paper
I went down to the office and took out Zeth's A needful Head (2007) and Charles Burnor (2006) to see how other character animation majors but their books together. This is the first version of my paper, I still need to fix it. I'm not sure if I'm going in the right direction.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Reference Citations - Chuck Jones - The Director
The Dover Boys at Pimento University - clarity of timing and clarity of poses
Dover Boys
The Dover Boys at Pimento University. Merrie Melodies. Cartoon Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 19 Sept 1942
Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck-The Abominable Snow Rabbit - Slap stick comic timing with extreme squash and stretch
The Abominable Snow Rabbit
The Abominable Snow Rabbit. Merrie Melodies. Cartoon Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 20 May 1961
Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck-Mouse Wreckers -Slap stick comic timing with extreme squash and stretch
Mouse Wreckers
Mouse Wreckers. Merrie Melodies. Cartoon Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 1948
Dover Boys
The Dover Boys at Pimento University. Merrie Melodies. Cartoon Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 19 Sept 1942
Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck-The Abominable Snow Rabbit - Slap stick comic timing with extreme squash and stretch
The Abominable Snow Rabbit
The Abominable Snow Rabbit. Merrie Melodies. Cartoon Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 20 May 1961
Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck-Mouse Wreckers -Slap stick comic timing with extreme squash and stretch
Mouse Wreckers
Mouse Wreckers. Merrie Melodies. Cartoon Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank, California. 1948
Reference Citations - Over the Hedge
I want Fangs personality to resemble Hammy's.

I want Nigel's personality to resemble Verne's.

I’d like to shoot for this type of environment.

Over the Hedge. Dir. Tim Johnson and Karey Kirkpatrick. DreamWorks Animation, 2006
To see more about this movie visit this Link: http://www.overthehedgemovie.com/

I want Nigel's personality to resemble Verne's.

I’d like to shoot for this type of environment.

Over the Hedge. Dir. Tim Johnson and Karey Kirkpatrick. DreamWorks Animation, 2006
To see more about this movie visit this Link: http://www.overthehedgemovie.com/
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Reference Citations - Batman TV series
Costume Design Reference- classic nylon suit with the trunks

I didn’t realize this show was from the late 1960’s. I remember watching it in the 1980’s. I guess they were reruns.
Bat Phone
The classic Pow (1966)
Original intro
1965 ABC Network Presentation. Batman. ABC Network , New York, New York. 1965
Show aired on Wednesday January 12, 1966.

I didn’t realize this show was from the late 1960’s. I remember watching it in the 1980’s. I guess they were reruns.
Bat Phone
The classic Pow (1966)
Original intro
1965 ABC Network Presentation. Batman. ABC Network , New York, New York. 1965
Show aired on Wednesday January 12, 1966.
Reference Citations - Power Puff Girls - Telephonies
At first when I thought of using a phone for help to be called into Nigel, I thought of the bat phone from the old TV show. I actually never watched the powerpuff girls until I used them for research on this project.
Blossom on the phone. When ever the major calls, it sounds like the Peanuts teacher’s voice.

Powerpuff Girls
Telephonies. Powerpuff Girls. Cartoon Network Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. 23 Dec. 1998
Blossom on the phone. When ever the major calls, it sounds like the Peanuts teacher’s voice.

Powerpuff Girls
Telephonies. Powerpuff Girls. Cartoon Network Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. 23 Dec. 1998
Reference Citations - Power Puff Girls -Uh-oh…Dynamo”.

Powerpuff Girls
Uh-oh…Dynamo. Powerpuff Girls. Cartoon Network Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. 27 May 1999
good cartoon water sample (no sound)
Cartoon Water
Reaction of the Mayor – Great for my ending when Nigel and Fang are stuck in the flood. The mayor basically says thanks for the help, but you ruined my town

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